preparing a dvd

i’m preparing a dvd for the installation in response to the overall running time of the event.  i’d like the installation to be live from 1pm so it’s available to play with throughout the afternoon. the event continues until 2am.

being honest with myself about the intentions of the work i think that the latest the live installation will run to is 7pm.  this leaves some hours in the installation room for me to play with the screen in an evening fashion.

hence a dvd.

maybe after this first outing i can investigate recording the live session and making a dvd on site. for freefall the  dvd is being made from some of the research playings as i prepare for the installation.

it’s a while since i prepared a dvd and having not done any for a long time two have come along in a couple of months (as with buses). the first was four little films for the pop up exhibition at artsmith live in august and a little over a month later comes this one.

for it i’m returning to research i did for the future focus exhibition at quad.  interstice had a dvd component. i’m interested in possible futures so using the inbuilt scripting facility of dvd discs, i developed a method of playing the component tracks of the dvd in a non linear fashion. again for the evening form of liminal tic tac toe i’ll be using a development of that initial script to run the dvd.

i’ve enjoyed preparing the dvd.

to be able to prepare it i’ve  played with the interactivity component of the installation and been able to address some small operational details.  i’m looking forward to saturday and all the  possible futures within liminal tic tac toe.