
my collaborative training began as part of the national youth theatre and was extended while studing stage management and technical theatre at lamda.  my professional theatre experience started as a three month placement at the national theatre working as the assistant production manager at the cottesloe theatre. there i received mentoring and encouragement and achieved my equity card at frinton summer theatre doing a season of weekly rep. i went on to work at opera north, the stephen joseph theatre in the round and toured with russ abbott’s madhouse.


although multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary are often used as synonyms, i prefer to retain the distinction: multi = many, and inter = between, amoung, mutually….

… interdisciplinary collaboration focuses on experiment and innovation rather than a predefined final product….

…focuses on audience participation instead, through which it generates valuable new insights in mediated social interaction and cultural user experiences.


anne nigton from making art of databases.


i like to work interdisciplinary with no predefined outcome specified to begin with and let the process of enquiry and discovery define  the outcome.

the first example of collaborative working “a film by sugars and moore”. moore asked me for some help mounting his camera on his safety helmet and a dialogue ensued resulting in the tqo videos below.


a collaboration with graham moore:




and my abstraction to become the best skateboarding video ever !



while working with ashley lloyd smith on his one man show “i’ve been elvita adams” ashley had a chance conversation that rekindled an idea.  through conversation and debate we arrived at “the food thing”. below is the first edit from the first performance of the food thing.


a collaboration with ashley lloyd smith:




corridor arts

to compliment my interdisciplinary collaborations corridor arts is a collaborative practice slightly more lent toward multidisciplinary working as we know where we want to go with the projects and learn through the process of getting there. for more details>>>