liminal tic tac toe : on site with the work

preparations are going well on site for the work.  the space is evolving and the technical elements are coming together nicely.  liminal tic tac toe is almost ready for you to experience. i’ve been talking about the work this week with very interested parties and i’ve been very aware of how many times i’ve found… Continue reading liminal tic tac toe : on site with the work

preparing a dvd

i’m preparing a dvd for the installation in response to the overall running time of the event.  i’d like the installation to be live from 1pm so it’s available to play with throughout the afternoon. the event continues until 2am. being honest with myself about the intentions of the work i think that the latest… Continue reading preparing a dvd

liminal tic tac toe

screen details from the recent ongoing development of liminal tic tac toe. the programming of the patch for the ios app is progressing well.  in the live installation room, connecting to the liminal server and opening the app will prompt the server to push the patch to the app. in english: at the festival there… Continue reading liminal tic tac toe

live homepage

the new home page of the website is now live. on it is a bit more about the work and a few grabbed images from the research stages. today i’ve been working more on the inner workings of the patch that runs the installation. i think i’ve got to a point of being very close… Continue reading live homepage

title of the work

i’m looking forward to the 21st at the drop inn. it’s another day where i’ll be doing something new and working with people whom some of which i’ll have not worked with before. i’m  preparing a new homepage for my website to give information and insite about the work. the work is a slightly new route… Continue reading title of the work