love parks week 2014

love parks week came to my attention while preparing the snee snaw project so i was really pleased to be able to revisit the campaign with another activity in belper parks.

the activity began as an idea at the spring fair at the eco centre near wirksworth. using loaned bobbins from the strutts north mill in belper, the bobbins became vehicle like bodies travelling on a pairs of rails.

the love parks week activity looked to return to this simple idea and place several near to each other to create and engaging and playful sculptural installation.  through the corridor arts practice, we were able to negotiate the use of the space in the parks for both the summer wild art sessions and the love parks week activity.

making the installation became quite a personal challenge on the day …. the weather was wet with several torrential downpours amongst the persistent rain. i have already thanked christine gray for keeping me company during the day providing some much needed shelter from the rain.

the advertised viewing time was between 2pm and 4.

i didn’t really know how long it would take me to make the 18 elements of the installation so i was very happy when i sat down to tweet …


the rain did stop.

the sun came out and so did the dog walkers.

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